We partner with other organizations including nonprofits, government agencies, and law enforcement to have girls rescued from the traffickers.

Through our strategic partnerships we are able to provide:
• Professional counseling & Trauma Therapy
• Medical Care
• Spiritual Guidance
• Addiction Recovery
• We provide a safe protective place for them to live, grow and experience the unconditional love and acceptance of God – a place where they can feel valued and esteemed; a place where they can find hope again.
Vocational Training/Education •
Facilitate employment in the community •
Mentorship in life skills so that they are able to reintegrate into the community successfully •
Assist with transitional housing after completing the program •
Empower and encourage these women to dream again and to follow their passion for life •
Assist with transitional housing after completing the program •

• End Slavery Georgia is working with professionals and community memebers across the state, training them to identify and get appropriate help for human trafficking victims they may encounter.
• By increasing awareness, we reduce, bit-by-bit, the freedom traffickers have to operate here.
• If you would like us to speak at your school, civic group, professional organization, faith community, or another group, email us at info@endslaveryga.org with a time, date, audience description, and contact name and number for your organization.
End Slavery Georgia is committed to being a voice for the sexually exploited, who, in most cases, can’t speak up for themselves. We believe everyone has a right to be heard, especially those crying out for justice. Many times they are overlooked or tossed aside by society, but we are determined to be their voice – motivating and inspiring influencers to get involved and make a difference in the lives of the voiceless.